Budget of the Municipality of Athens

Published by DataForGreece
Last Update 2024-10-20
Date Added 2024-10-20
Category Economy
Data dates 2005/01 - 2024/10
Contributed by 🔗 Adam Markakis
Source 🔗 Municipality of Athens Budget and Expenditure Dataset

Data Description

This dataset provides detailed information on the budget and expenditure for the Municipality of Athens from 2005 to 2024. It includes the initial budget allocations, adjustments, committed funds, authorized payments, and actual payments made across various departments. The data includes expenses such as legal fees, office supplies, public relations costs, and maintenance of equipment.

Data Preprocessing

The data was downloaded and combined into a single file.

Data Accessibility

You can download and analyze the data in Excel by clicking the "Download" button at the top of the page. If the download button is unavailable, click the "Ask" button to make a request.

Alternatively, you can analyze the data online using the public dataset directly in Google BigQuery with the following query

SELECT * FROM dataforgreece.public_data.athens_municipality_budget_v

Dataset Definitions

Column Description
year The year of the recorded budget and expenditures
department_office The municipal office or department responsible for the expense
code Unique identifier for each budget entry
title Description of the specific expenditure or project
amount Initial budget amount allocated for the expenditure
adjustment Adjustments or revisions made to the initial budget amount
final_budget Final budget amount after adjustments
committed_funds Amount of money committed for the expenditure
authorized_payments Funds authorized for payment
payments_made Actual payments made for the specific expenditure
certified_revenues Revenues certified by the municipality (if applicable)
collected_revenues Revenues actually collected (if applicable)
args_year (internal field)
args_pro_cdief (internal field)
args_pro_esex (internal field)

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